Sunday, January 19, 2025

1,000th post

 My first post, back in February 2024, featured Forrester Millard in AMG’s Album A. Here he is in successive variety and solo albums:

With John Miller in Album B. Note the hand-drawn loin cloths.

Solo, in Album C.

Seaside in Album G.

With some vital statistics in Album J.

On the rocks in Album M.

Resting on velvet in Album R.

On the go in Album ZB.


  1. Excellente façon de célebrér votre 1000ème poste avec bel homme Forrester D’Orlac, le premier modèle physique de Bob Mizer 1946.
    À la vôtre :) 🍾🥂⚜️🇺🇸
    -Beau Mec

  2. Another milestone for your terrific blog :) Most enjoy the early works of Bellas and Mizer, the special years of 1945-1955, the golden years of physique photography. So daring at that time and much needed to progress social norms in America forward. Of course another great period was the silver era of physique photography, the cabinet cards of the strongmen of Europe and America and the silver into gold era of the Forbes, Melan, Townsend, Urban and the Ritter brothers.

    1. Thank you, Rj! I find the physique photos increasingly fascinating — they have tended to crowd out my earlier interest in early- and mid-century theater and film portraits. For all the obvious reasons, I guess — but some of the images (and the prints themselves) are so gorgeous that it is hard to resist…
