Friday, January 24, 2025

Mystery # 2

Ron Wallace battles someone on a roof top — this looks to be from BLACK DEVIL GANG.

ETA to update the identification: Bill Murray spars with Ron Wallace.

Mystery # 1

This looks like Dennis San Facon and Ron Wallace in MUMMY & THE YOUTH, but is it?

ETA the correct identification: Ronald Thompson and Ron Wallace.

Ron Wallace

Tom O’Rourke and David Mineric

David Mineric

Lynn Hitchcock and Joe Ed Cyr in L’IL BEAR’S HERO

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Notes on AMG’s Thousand Model Directory 9

The ZF13 album and catalogue was the first AMG publication wholly devoted to duals or larger groups.

One of the more striking compositions is ZF 6, two men in a wrestling pose, forearms grasped. My records call them Howard Johnson and Leonard Latt; in the THOUSAND MODEL DIRECTORY they are Johnson and Les. A Howard Johnson appears on the same page of the directory as Johnson and Les, here as ZT 778.

What of Leonard, or Les? He appears to be Al Hoover, found in the later YC13 catalogue. The span of time between ZF and ZT, or ZT and YC, is probably a matter of years or even months — but still long enough to give Leonard … or Les … or Al a new name.