Tuesday, December 31, 2024

More notes on the Thousand Model Directory

Pat Wilton is catalogued as Z 10, placing him in Ben Sorensen’s Z album, but he belongs with Rodhe in the A album. As Gene Eberle and Forrester Millard have their own (later) albums, they are noted in the signature AMG style as having a place in the A13 album/catalogue.

Frank Delos Coates is in the B album, but he is misplaced in the directory as B 9 (“F. Coates”) when he should be B 10.

Bill Harris fell out of the E album (I’ve seen instances where his image was effaced or disguised); he appears in the directory out of alphabetical order, hinting at loss and reclamation. 

Bob Meinhart, also in Album E, appears as Charles Meinhart in the directory.

Continued here.


  1. What a way to start New Years Eve :)
    Four physique studies by Mizer of men who exemplify the body beautiful of his early work.
    Meinhart could give Irvin Koszewski a run for his money in the physique department :)

    1. Yes, I wish Mizer had taken more photos of all four.

  2. Thank you very much for all this information - even if it further damages my confidence in the 1000 model directory ...

    1. I guess it’s a mixed blessing — although as a completist I am glad to have more (even if contradictory) information!

  3. Frohes Neues Jahr ! :)
    Und vier mannliche Schönheiten, die uns begrüßen.
    Mizer hätte mit seinem Katalog vorsichtiger sein sollen.

  4. Les hommes désirables !
    Un système de catalogage beaucoup déroutant, Mizer a dû perdre quelques cheveux :\
    -Beau Mec

    1. Je pense qu'il a dû "lost the thread” tant le catalogue s'est étoffé à ce point. Le système semble conçu pour être obscur pour les étrangers – les clients, en fait, ainsi que la police!

  5. Fint utvalg av fysikk portretter som avslører ferdighetene til Bob Mizer med lys og camera, og hans evne til å overbevise kjekke menn til posere naken og nesten naken.
