Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Leonard Kipp?


  1. I think this is Ben Pascham - and I don't think it's an alias. I have a catalogue page for Leonard Kipp (39-XI13) and he doesn't look the same to me.

    1. This seems like another Forrester/Dixon/Stevens situation to me. I’m not convinced this is Leonard Kipp (or Kip Leonard) or Ben Pascham — the Kipp and Pascham images in the directory are too small to really tell what they look like. I would love to see a catalogue page for Pascham — that would help. Based on what I’ve seen at Men From Back Then, this session probably belongs to the mid-1940s (the shoes, the nudity), so perhaps the mystery model never appeared in an AMG catalogue as such, and we don’t have a name for him.

    2. I also have these photos labeled as "Ben Pascham" - but I'm pretty sure that he is not the Ben Pascham from the AMG 1000 model directory. I'm not even 100% sure that these photos are by Bob Mizer - one of my photos is a full frontal nude and there are only very few nude shots by Mizer from this time.

  2. Nichts ist besser als ein sehr williger Segler, Mizer hatte die Wahl der Flotte.

  3. It is Ben Pascham, supposedly taken by Bob Mizer at Ko'Vert’s studio before Mizer started AMG. Rare part of Mizer’s early career.
