Monday, February 24, 2025

Bill Edison, Roy Whitney, and Gary Conway

I am not sure how Bill Edison ended up paired with Roy Whitney…

(Roy Whitney with Roy Shay)

…or with Gary Conway.

More Bill Edison

I’ve been working in my Mizer files for the last couple of weeks, putting like with like, and for some reason (as I have mentioned), Bill Edison has been a particular focus.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

A Bill Edison trifecta

I had these three as Bill Edison, but no.


No: Roy Whitney


Mizer catalogues 2

Jiggs O’Fallon

Ray Baker 

Jim Gass

Mizer catalogues 1

With the ZP13 catalogue, Bob Mizer began to expand the number of sitters showcased beyond the generous bounds of his original conception. The variety catalogues grew in size, in part because new photo sessions were sprinkled between the extra photos for the sitters who made up the album. By the early 1950s, the list of sitters in a catalogue could reach to 60 or so. (As the decade progressed, Mizer seems to have rethought this — the unchecked growth slowed and to some extent was reversed … at least in the catalogue format.)

Joe Gold and Dave Johnson

Mike Powers and Mike Deal