Sunday, January 12, 2025

Notes on AMG’s Thousand Model Directory 8

The next variety album (ZE) has a similar fate.

Milton Lippman is now — for understandable reasons — that ubiquitous public figure Walter Lippman[n] (1889-1974).

Louis Craig becomes Arnold Craig.

Joe Hern’s transformation is positively antique: he is called Enoch Hern.

Don Aston and Philip Mathes are reborn as Phillips & Aston.

It’s interesting to see Phil Mathis turn up some years later in the VK album. (I plan to cover Grecian Guild’s 1966 sequel to the Thousand Model Directory soon.)

To be continued.

1 comment:

  1. Great bods, Lippman could have given bodybuilder Zaro Koszewski a run for his money with those great abs. Great in nature shot of Kern and Aston and Mathes in a wrestling pose to mimic sex between men, one way to upset the authorities and be within the letter of the law back then.
    -CA jock
