Monday, June 24, 2024

Academy Founders 22

N.B. The member numbers follow The Internet Movie Database's list order announcing the Academy in January 1927. 

22. Harry M. Warner (Harold Eichelbaum, 1881-1958) of the Producers Branch, in a Floyd McCarty photo with Jane Wyman (Sarah Jane Mayfield, 1917-2007).

With his brother Sam (Samuel Eichelbaum, 1887-1927), Harry Warner co-founded Warner Features, Inc., in 1910. Five years later, the company became United Film Service, and in 1924 four Warner brothers organized the eponymous Warner Bros. corporation. 

Sam Warner pushed the foundering company into partnership with Vitaphone. His brother Harry's response to the news that Warner's was developing talking pictures was direct: "Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?"

In 1939, Harry Warner received an Academy certificate "In recognition of patriotic service in the production of historical short subjects presenting significant episodes in the early struggle of the American people for liberty."

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