Saturday, May 18, 2024

Mystery duals

Bob Brumer and Mike Wilson

Lee Van Dyke
and Kent Clarke

Don Foster 

and John Woodbury


  1. The 4th photo is Don Foster (rear) and John Woodbury. This is a new photo for me. I have 7 more photo of this duo. One of which has them holding a plaque saying: "Foster Versus Woodbury A.M.G. Film"

    The blond on the right in the 2nd photo is Mike Wilson.

    1. Ah! Further researching (i.e checking GEVI's index for Mike Wilson) has provided an ID for the other fellow: Bob Brumer. It's a still from AMG film: Wilson & Brumer [1967]

  2. Wonderful, thanks! I suspected that was Mike Wilson, but I was otherwise stumped.
